About the Author
Exigency has been ten years in the making, with more stops, starts, and "do-overs" than I could ever hope to count. I was very young when the basis of this novel was conceived, and it showed in the most recent (and nearly complete) version of the story. So, I am giving writing it one last go, from the beginning. I hope to share it with you soon. Thank you for your interest.
As for myself, I am a wanna-be writer and an aspiring vagabond by day, Registered Nurse by night. I've lived my entire life sheltered in a small town, nestled in the heart of the "Bible Belt" in the Southeast USA. That said, I learned years ago that nothing in life is as we were taught to believe it to be, and I am slowly trying to chip away at everything preconceived, branching out and experiencing all the diversity this world has to offer one road trip at a time.
What else can I say? I'm 23. Lesbian. Omnist. Dreamer. Four years ago, fan fiction stole my heart, and I've yet to recover it. My ships are Xena/Gabrielle, Vauseman, and Cophine. Grape NOS is my poison drink of choice when the nights are long.
Though he is not alive to see it in completion, this story is for my dearest friend, Jordan Woods. My late night confidant, endlessly patient reader and supporter, and one of my closest friends, despite living thousands of miles apart. Rest easy, Jordiwa.
Lea O'Nor