Welcome to the official website for my novel-in-progress Exigency. This story has been scrapped and re-crafted numerous times over the last ten years, never quite reaching completion each time. After much thought and encouragement from co-workers and friends, I have decided to give it one last go. Though I am beginning anew yet again, I have grown much in the last ten years (having been quite young when the story was first conceived anyhow) both as a person and as a writer, and I feel the book will be vastly better because of it. Though I am hesitant to post it online as I have done with previous versions of the WIP, I believe I will keep with tradition and update the site with new chapters as they become available. If you decide to follow the updates, please feel free to share you thoughts on the story via comments, the Guestbook, or the Contact Us page. Thank you for stopping by.